Michele is an experienced speaker who uses metaphor and humor to inspire audiences from all walks of life. Relatable, practical and down-to-earth her presentation style will leave your group with a fresh perspective and actionable steps designed to make you think, feel and act.
Choose from one of her popular topics or request a custom presentation when you book a keynote speech or meaningful workshop that will stick with you for years to come.

Harnessing Fear: Using What We Fear to Get What We Want
Fear is one of life’s most powerful motivators. Our actions and inactions are equally susceptible to the influence of what we fear. What if we name and own our fears as a tool for creating an awesome life? Michele will share the experience of living through her greatest fear, and realizing that staying connected to everything of which she was afraid was the magic formula for accessing courage and living a life that matters.
Seven Steps to Self Acceptance After Something Awful Happened
Many people who have lived through a life-altering experience make a goal of returning to the same life they led before something awful happened. The trouble is that life is no longer available. This presentation offers a seven step process for acknowledging, accepting and integrating life’s most difficult experiences to facilitate truly loving the self born through trauma and being proud of the person rising from the ashes of what was to welcome what tomorrow may bring.

Waking Up Widowed
Designed especially for her widowed peers, Michele speaks with honesty and vulnerability about the real life struggles faced by anyone who has outlived their spouse or partner. The lessons we’ve learned through grief are powerful, useful and life changing even though they would have liked to learn those lessons by some other means. Michele reminds grieving audiences that grief is cyclical, not linear. This presentation will affirm, comfort and inspire anyone grieving the loss of someone they love. Together we will proudly acknowledge growth and retain the ability to honor our losses in meaningful ways while we each shine our unique light in the world.
What the Grinch Taught Me About Love
This presentation will grow your heart by at least two sizes! Sharing her personal story of sudden death, crushing grief and redemptive love which includes falling in love after being widowed with a man who lived on the other side of the world, blending a family that included three reluctant teenagers and using code words to assure her family of her safety! You will cry, laugh, and be inspired to love your people. An exploration of the concept that facing the fears, challenges, guilt and confusion of loving a new person after your spouse or partner has died or a relationship has ended leads to an expanded heart and an enhanced life.

What We Can Learn from a Three-legged Stool
Integration is a fundamental skill required for healing all of life’s traumas. In this powerful presentation, Michele shares why learning to balance the amount of time we spend reflecting on our past, living in the present and dreaming about the future is critical to living a meaningful life. Teaching the power of integration encourages the exploration and use of lessons learned relating to all three time perspectives (past, present and future) and provides a solid foundation upon which we can build a life we love.
IRT Training: Integrate, Rise, Thrive
Perfect for team building or as a group learning experience, this workshop series offers a step-by-step approach to exploring the concept of integration and its value in the area of personal development. The series includes four modules with three units each addressing; agency, identity and sense of self, integration and building a support network.

In addition to the workshop facilitation, my research partner Dr. Carrie West and I, will be offering certifications for training the IRT model which will include academic theory, practical application and customized training materials.
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